
Sibling Similarity

My sister put up a new profile picture on her blog the other day that immediately reminded me of another photograph. My sister's photo was taken when she was about 9 years old, in 1974 1978 (she's on the right in the photo at right).  The picture I'm remembering was of me when I was 9 or ten (on the left in the photo at right). See the similarity? Danielle and Marty 2001

OK, yes, we are brother and sister so we should look alike, right? Now fast forward 25 years to the next photo. Hey what do you know? We still look alike and we're still brother and sister!


  1. Wow, I'll say! Even down to your cute pointy little noses. How could I have mothered you all these years and not noticed that?

  2. Must be early onset, Marty. I was 9 the summer of the reunion, 1978, not 1974.

  3. Good one doublel . . . I fixed the post. At least I think I remember fixing the post.
