
Books I've Read: Just finished Blogwild!

Blogwild!: A Guide for Small Business Blogging
A very basic starter book on the basics of blogging. Andy Wibbels shows us the way with many how-to references using TypePad, though this book is a quick read relevant for any beginner using any blogging platform.

links for June 28, 2007

Sanders Says: Ask someone how their weekend was
Good reminder to slow down and get to know your employees

Product Management: Silence is Success that often goes Unrewarded
Douglass Karr breaks down the silence

Customers: Tech Toys They're Using

The bird feeding and bird watching customer is no longer the stereotypical older woman hunched over a spotting scope with a paper based life list and a old Peterson's Field Guide tucked in a pocket. Customers of all demographics are using electronic field guides, iPod based bird call identifiers and global positioning system devices to find and log bird sightings (just to name a few). Research at home can begin at a site like Mitch Waite's WhatBird.com. As a service to our customers and as a tool for Wild Birds Unlimited's store owners to use, we re-branded WhatBird.com as rightbird.com and launched it as part of our web site. (WhatBird is available for others to use on their site, contact Mitch here.) This has proven very valuable, we use it to reference the birds that are most popular at feeders, those that might be seen migrating through a certain area, or to find out more about a bird seen during a recent walk or one visiting a backyard feeding station. This certainly does not eliminate the need for the paper-based field guides, rightbird.com provides further detail and benefits from the instant and constant updating from its authors. Yes, we can definitely attract a broader demographic by using the electronic goodies available in this industry!


Finding a niche

So what do I know? One option was to blog about my daily personal life (boring!). Another was to simply provide reviews of sites I visit and books I read, mostly about technology and business. Then I thought, well what do I know? I'm lucky enough to have a job where I can thrive doing what I love, using technology to help business owners market their customer experience, products and services. How do I do that? Let's find out together. I do a lot of research on current trends that I'll share and I'll also relate to you what's currently working and not working, where I've been and where I'm going along the tech trail.

I happen to apply my knowledge professionally at the company headquarters of the retail franchise Wild Birds Unlimited, therefore many posts will pertain to the franchise business, bird feeding and bird watching. You'd be amazed at how technology has transformed our business of supporting our independent business owners, how they can market their business using technology and how their customers use tech in bird feeding and bird watching.

What kind of readers am I looking for? Small business owners looking to improve using technology with a focus on franchise businesses, franchised and independent bird feeding and bird watching specialty store owners, and customers or fans of this business that might take an interest in how technology ultimately affects their shopping experience. Let's go!


This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer. Additionally, my thoughts change from time to time, therefore opinions I expressed at some time in the past may not represent my opinions today. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. This blog makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site & will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.

New Blog Begins

I'm normally faster to the punch with newer technology, eager to be among the first on the block. Honestly, I did experiment with a few blogging platforms, though couldn't come to publish them live. WordPress is one that is very attractive for it's ability to conform to your tech tweaks - but for those without time to spare you might find yourself into tomorrow as you experiment endlessly. I'm sure I'll find plenty under the hood to tinker with here on the Google offering and soon find a niche in the blogosphere.